
Chapter 10: Divide and Conquer

 Chapter 10: Divide and Conquer Hey! Thanks for showing the support ❤️ Back with a topic which is not related to only Java but can be implemented in the real world too. Although this is a certified method now, I never learnt this from the internet. And in my opinion it is the easiest and the best way to solve a problem.  So, what is Divide and Conquer? Divide and Conquer involves three steps:  1) Carefully reading/analyzing the problem 2) Dividing the problem into subproblems 3) Finding solutions to those sub problems And that's it! You can do this for as many times you want, creating a tree of problems and solutions until you get the easiest form of the problem and then solve it step-by-step.  This rule will help you find the correct approach to a problem and how to find a solution without getting astray from the path. Now comes, how to implement this with programming? Misconception - It may seem that this method is a time taking method with the number of steps you ...


 SHOULD I CONTINUE? Yep. I have not been uploading any blogs since 29th December 2022 even though I promised to. But why?  Long story short there were two major reasons:  I couldn't make out time to continue making blogs and I wanted them to be very very friendly and interesting. In that process, I think, I left my consistency and gradually it resulted in procrastination.  The second is, I began to wonder if this all was really the best I could do for you all. What was it that I could have done to explain better? Is it making voiceover explanation videos? Is it more interesting and handy blogs with notes? Is it interaction, communication? Does anything I try to tell you guys really make you engrossed with the content? Is my content enough for extreme beginners as well? All these thoughts began to come in my mind as I made my mind from making any more blogs. It's not you guys to blame. It's just that I wanted to do something that would benefit you all in so many ways ...

Chapter 9: Data Types In Java

 Chapter 9: Data Types In Java NOTE: I'll try uploading 2-3 Chapters everyday. I'm focused on making these chapters more informative and easy to understand with the proper resources and clear concepts and this procedure takes much time so rapid blogs may be delayed. Thanks! and Good Luck 🤠 What are data types? Well, imagine you are given a box full of coloured balls. Now, you are given the task to sort the balls into separate containers wherein each container has a nameslip on it with the name of the color and you have to put all balls of that colour into the containers respective of the name of the colour written on the container.     Notice, how you would question yourself to store the balls in their respective containers.     These containers are what are known as Data Types in programming. Different values are stored in their respective data types.     There are 2 types of data types: a) Primitive Data Types b) Non-Primitive Data Types]\   ...

Chapter 8: Basic Structure Of A Java Program

 Chapter 8: Basic Structure Of A Java Program class HelloWorld {     public static void main (String args[])     {          System.out.println("Hello World");     } } 1) The class keyword defines a class with name H elloWorld 2) The next comes the main() function which is necessary in every Java program structure, the main program logic and code is made inside this function. We shall be focusing only on the program segment inside the main function for now. 3) The next comes System.out.println("Hello World");  the function println() from the package System.out  is imported by default in a java program. It prints the value given inside the parantheses () and then changes the line // NEW CHAPTERS COMING FROM 29th DECEMBER 2022

Chapter 7: Tokens In Java

 Chapter 7: Tokens In Java Let's begin to actually learn how to make a program, aye! A Java program usually comprises of tokens, operators, literals, identifiers etc. Tokens are the smallest unit in a Java program. That's the literal meaning. Tokens help in telling the compiler that something is beginning, or an act of storing information, or processing information is taking place. For a better understanding let us skip to the good part- 1) Keywords : These are type of tokens (basically words which indicate different things in a program). For example, the keyword class is used to tell the computer that a class is being defined. Similarly there are many keywords in java which hold special meaning and cannot be used for any other purpose. All keywords and their function is listed at 2) Identifiers or Variables: Ever thought how a calculator on your computer works? If not then what are you doing with your lif-. Anyways. When you perform t...

Chapter 6: OOPS

 OOPS (Object-Oriented Programming Structure) What the heck-. Why am I 'beginning' Java with such an abomination? I know. It's unnecessary to teach OOPS at the beginning since we will be implementing these concepts later in the advanced Java journey. However, a 'programmer'  must know what OOPs is and why is it used. Ok. Tell me what OOPS is. OOPS! No no no, not the oops oops. We talkin' about programming here. Basically, OOPS is a concept used in programming wherein the 'program structure' is relatable to real-life. OOPS is established to bridge a connection between the real world and the program.   Let's talk about the features of OOPS (what concepts are used to achieve an object oriented programming structure). 1. Objects This might be a bit boring but I'll try to explain it in an interesting manner. So every programming language which used OOPS, uses the concept of Objects. " What the heck are objects?" Long story short, an object. ...

Chapter 5: IDE And Java Installation

 Chapter 5: IDE And Java Installation IDE - Integrated Development Environment IDE is basically a software designed for the ease of programmers which has various tools and features that can be used while making a program in any programming language, executing it or compiling it etc. Java Installation on Windows 1. Download  IntelliJ  Community Edition 2. Install IntelliJ, just click Ok on every screen. 3. Open IntelliJ, Click New Project, enter the Name, enter JDK as 18, click Ok. 4. Check the box saying Add sample code 5. Click create. 6. Create your program , click the green run button beside the class to run the program. Java Installation On Mobiles 1. Install DCoder from PlayStore. 2. Sign In 3. Create File  4. Choose Java 5. Create your program 6. Run your program ADVANTAGES OF IDEs •  Code completion or code insight •  Debugging tools •  Less time and effort •  Compile and run

Chapter 4: JDKs and Libraries In Java

Chapter 4: JDKs and Libraries in Java JDK stands for Java Development Kit. It is a set of packages and classes which contains basic "functions" like String functions, Math functions in java. There is a concept of Packages in java. Just like a folder, a package can be used to store classes of the same type having different functions.  Syntax for accessing a package in java: import <package1>.<package2>.<classname>; Example: import; This will import the DataInputStream class into your program for you to use. This means there is a default folder called java with a folder called io in it which contains i/o (input/output) related classes i.e. here DataInputStream A dot "." is used to access folders/packages or classes inside a folder/package. An "*" represents that all classes in the following package have to be imported. A package is always imported before defining a class. IN SCHOOLS WE USE JDK 1.5, LATEST JDK 18 HAS ...

Chapter 3: Working Of Java

Chapter 3: Working of Java Welcome back 😁! You must have come across words like compiler, interpreter. If not, these are the ways a program written in a programming language is translated into Binary digits( 0 and 1 ) to make the computer understand what to do, since Binary is computer's native language . The programming languages that we use are designed to give commands to the computer in a systematic manner, and to convert it into an even lower language - Binary. For more information on binary numbers and how computers interpret binary, give a visit to . Now that we know that we need to translate our thoughts into a programming language, and the program(implemented thoughts) written in that programming language is translated into Binary form. Let's understand how it's done. We translate our thoughts into programming language by learning both - our native language and a programming language understood by the computer...

Chapter 2: Common Terms In Programs

 Chapter 2: Common Terms In Programs Here are some common terms you WILL come across in the upcoming chapters. 1. Syntax: It is the way a program is to be written. It is different according to different programming languages and is essential for smooth functioning of program logic. 2. Binary: It is the basic-most language that the computer understands. Transfer of information in the computer takes place through this. It consists just the digits 0 and 1. 0  stands for false 1 stands for true. Binary is similar to function of neurons in the human brain. 3. Operating System: Abbreviated as O.S. It is the system you are running. Example: Windows, Macintosh, MSDOS etc.

Chapter 1: Introduction To Java

Chapter 1: Introduction to Java What is Java? Yes, a programming language. What is a programming language? A language used to communicate between computers and humans. Do I need to study programming? Yes. Programming has a vast scope in the upcoming future. It is widely paid and being adopted rapidly. Also, programming GREATLY ENHANCES your logical thinking and finding solutions to problems (even in real life, believe me). How do I start programming?? I am a beginner 😭😭. In my opinion, the first thing you need in order to accomplish anything is to have the mindset to achieve that goal, face hardships, deal with those hardships, enhance yourself in your path, in every step.  Now that your mind is set to learn programming. Let's talk about how to actually approach programming.          Usually in schools, you will be taught concepts of Java, logics of programs etc. First step, no need to get tensed. All you need to do at this point is try to understand the ...


 RESOURCES: Online Java Compiler:  JDoodle Trusted Websites With Vast Knowledge:  Javatpoint W YouTube Teachers:  CodeWithHarry ,  Alok Bhai Ultimate Java CheatSheet By CodeWithHarry -  Ultimate Java Cheatsheet Java Basics By Oracle:  Lesson: Language Basics (The Java™ Tutorials > Learning the Java Language) OOPS Concept by Oracle:  Lesson: Object-Oriented Programming Concepts (The Java™ Tutorials > Learning the Java Language)